Union Songs

A Contract Ain't A Contract Anymore

A song by Robert D. Stubbs©Robert D. Stubbs 2002

- [play]

A contract ain't a contract anymore
They been and throwed the concept out the door
You can write it down and sign it but the way that Gord defines it
A contract ain't a contract anymore

It used to be a deal was a deal
But now it's just a thing that they repeal
Your co-llective agreement might seem solider than ce-ment
But a contract ain't a contract anymore

Gord stood up on the hustings and he said
That he wasn't gonna do the things he did
If you shake hands with that stinker just be sure to count your fingers
A contract ain't a contract anymore

Now a public sector contract ain't worth spit
Not after Gord has gotten through with it
Be it severance or wages they can just tear up the pages
Because a contract ain't a contract anymore

It's what's coming next that really worries me
When the Yankees own the health care in B. C.
Then our hospitals will hafta be a-governed by the NAFTA
Oh, a contract ain't a contract anymore

Now I know what you're thinking, yes I do
You think sauce for geese is sauce for ganders too
Just try it, you'll be finding that on you the contract's binding
Though a contract ain't a contract anymore


Many thanks to Bob Stubbs for permission to add this song to the Union Songs collection.

Bob writes:
"This song refers to the abrogation of the Health Employees' Union's contract in a mini-Thatcherite down-sizing of the public sector here about five years ago."

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