Union Songs

Isn't it Bad?

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A song by Tetsuro Tanaka ©Tetsuro Tanaka

We know to kill is bad.
We know to steal is bad.
We know to deceive is bad.
We know to destroy is bad.

Isn't it bad to discriminate?
Isn't it bad to exclude?
Isn't it bad because it inside of a company?
Isn't it bad because others do it as well?

Some one says to go against order is bad.
Some one says to criticize is bad.
Some one says to live free is bad.
Some one says to differ other is bad.

Isn't it bad to subserve?
Isn't it bad to give up?
Isn't it bad to gang up?
Isn't it bad to stop thinking for yourself?


Many thanks to Tetsuro Tanaka for permission to add this song to the Union Songs website.
Visit his website at: http://www.din.or.jp/~okidentt/. Visit also the documentary film Tanaka-san Will Not Do Callisthenics

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