Union Songs

We're on the Picket Line

A song by Beth Shaw ©Beth Shaw 2003
To the tune of 'Yellow Bird'

UNISON is backing our strike today
UNISON, they say we deserve more pay
Did the Provost* say
We must work today
That is very sad
Makes me feel so bad
But we stay away
We're on strike today
We're sticking with UNISON

And so we're on the picket line
For London Weighting four grand
UNISON members join us now
Support the strike and lend a hand


Many thanks to Beth Shaw for permission to add this song to the Union Songs collection.

Beth writes
"* the Provost is the principal of the bit of London University that I work in.

I composed this song for the UNISON branch at the part of London University where I work for the recent picket line for the strike for increased London Weighting:

I composed other songs for the strike but this was by far the most popular. (I'm in a cajun band and also write verse plays to do in homes, gardens and community centres so it wasn't that difficult to adapt a song for the picket line.) I thought that singing songs would help people feel more confident on the picket line."

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