Union Songs

Big Step to Freedom

A song by Ray Korona©Ray Korona 2003

Working together, standing together,
Take a big step to freedom.
Sisters and brothers building a union,
Take a big step to freedom.

Take a big step; take a big step;
Take a big step to freedom.
Sisters and brothers building a union [always repeat third line of the verse here],
Take a big step to freedom.

Telling our stories, sharing our cultures,
Take a big step to freedom.
Singing the songs of our great labor history,
Take a big step to freedom.

repeat chorus (with: “Singing the songs...”

Walking the line in support of each other,
Take a big step to freedom.
Each union victory, a victory for all,
Take a big step to freedom

repeat chorus (with: “Each union victory...”

Finding our voices, feeling our power,
Take a big step to freedom.
A rainbow of people pulling together,
Take a big step to freedom.

repeat chorus (with: “A rainbow of people...”


Many thanks to Ray Korona for permission to add this song to the Union Songs collection.

Ray writes:
“Big Step” works great with lyrics added for a particular strike or labor action. You can put two new lines into a verse and they don’t need to rhyme to work. For example:

Janitors have families and families need to eat.
Take a big step to freedom.
We demand a contract with a living wage.
Take a big step to freedom.

This song is available on The People Are In Charge! CD by the Ray Korona Band. For related music & more information, visit: http://www.raykorona.com 

Find more of Ray's work in this collection

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